Supporting Karaiskakio Foundation

Proving in practice that simple actions are of great value, the Commercial Director of ALAMBRA Dairy, Michalis Petrou, handed over a check to support the Karaiskakio Foundation.

The delivery of the check to Karaiskakio took place on Thursday, August 29, at the Foundation’s premises, as part of a campaign carried out together with Sklavenitis Hypermarkets, from June 6 to 19. The aim of this specific action was to support the Children’s Cancer Center of Karaiskakio Foundation.

True to its promise to return the love of consumers, ALAMBRA Dairy actively participates in campaigns that support those who need our help. With dedication to man and dedication to life.

Present on behalf of the ALAMBRA Dairy Industry was the Commercial Director Michalis Petrou, as well as the Brand Manager, Anastasia Natsika, while for the Karaiskakio Foundation the Director Dr. Pavlos Kosteas and the Public Relations Officer, Nektaria Papadopoulou.